“Probably the most important thing to do is to be yourself.” -Sanath
「たぶん最も大事なことは自分であるということ。」 -サナス
皆さんハピクリメリクリ、お元気ですか !?
Happy holidays friends, how are you!?
ロサンゼルス空港に着き、帰りのバスの中で隣に座った新しい友達に尋ねました。「インド人がここ一番カレー好きなはずがないですよね!?」しかし超大好きということです。彼曰く、ここ一番カレーはもともとイギリスカレーを日本風にしたカレーらしいですが、イギリスカレーは簡単に断定すると水で薄められたインドカレーということです... 輪。
After landing at LAX, I caught the Flyaway bus and asked my new friend who sat next to me. "It can't be true that people from India love 'Koko-Ichiban-Curry' in Japan!?" Apparently it is incredibly popular. He mentioned to me that KIC is a Japanese take on British curry; British curry is fundamentally watered-down Indian curry... so a full circle.
My ride arrived, and while he helped put my luggage in her car, I was contemplating the thought he sent to my way moments ago... “Probably the most important thing to do is to be yourself.” His name is Sanath; son of parents from India, who lives extensively in Japan and the US, and loves nature. This is how I remember.
Japan tour November 2023 started right after my final show in Cali for the year. "Simply Believe Through" was my theme.
Could it be that easy!?
I went to Hachijo Island of Tokyo without any friends or shows there, but was gifted with 4 nights and 5 days of live gigs, people, and nature. In Oita (last visited 2018), Toru took me to Oika Park and other nature spots, enjoyed ocean food and mountain food, and love-tapped my guitar at nearly every venue we walked in to.
Thank you to you all; 2023 blessed me, and I feel that I have moved and improved. Let us all welcome a fantastic 2024, thank you always!
Let us touch our dreams for this moment.