This is how I remember...
Once upon a time, there was a galaxy filled with Fruit Bunnies; various fruits for their tails... oranges, apples, pineapples (obviously a pineapple was a little inconvenient to hop hop the bunny thing).
One day, Bun Bun with the tail of an apple comes to our world. However, Bun Bun's apple tail is lost and he transforms into a Tatarigami (the monster god of death perhaps most commonly known today from the Princess Mononoke movie). He starts killing everything that he touches until...
He bumps into a gigantic doggy (way larger than any Tatarigami). The gigantic doggy goes "Wan wan (or 'woof woof' in English)," and they make a choice to go look for the missing apple tail together...
They eventually come along to a huge tree (even bigger than the gigantic doggy). Far up in the tree, the Fruit Bunny believes he sees his missing apple tail, "I think that is my apple tail!" and the gigantic doggy answers by barking "Wan wan (in Japan, dogs go 'wan wan' so let's get it right all)."
They try to figure out a way up to the top. In the process however, they fall asleep peacefully underneath the mighty tree; perhaps even more peaceful than any silent night of Christmas (click “HERE“ for video of Silent Night)...
Now the story has a few alternate endings, but the one that I keep going to is...
The Fruit Bunny is now dreaming, smiling, and telling himself, "Perhaps I do no longer need my apple tail any more, since I found a great friend."
On Sun 12/12 2021 (US time zone), a new song came to me, leading me to believe that the Fruit Bunny has returned. On Wed 12/15 2021 (US time zone & Thu 12/16 2021 in Japan), friends from Across Waters confirmed that they have been seeing many bunnies in Denver Colorado, and Whidbey Island Washington.
Have you found the Fruit Bunny yet?
The world would rejoice by hearing (y)our honest story. Make effort (for every job that needs to be done, there is an element of fun) to share your letter to the world; today, tomorrow, and 2022.
Visit for an article by Travis Rogers, Jr. (The Jazz Owl) to learn about my CD album Energy / 命 and the original Fruit Bunny music.
Keep well, lovetap the world, and happy holidays!
昔々、Fruit Bunny 果物ウサギ が栄えた銀河があったと。彼らのシッポはいろんなフルーツでした... みかん、リンゴ、パイナップル (でもパイナップルの場合ぴょんぴょんするのに一苦労だったとか)。
ある日、リンゴシッポの Bun Bun が我々の住む世界に到着しました。しかし、到着後まもなく Bun Bun はリンゴシッポを失い、祟り神になってしまいます。触れるものすべての命を吸い取っていきましたが...
旅に出て間もなく後にとてつもなく背の高い木に来ます。木のはるかてっぺんの方まで見上げた Bun Bun は、「あ!あそこに僕のリンゴシッポがある!」といい、ワンちゃんは「わんわん」とつぶやいた。
ふたりは何とか上まで上る方法を見つけようとする。その過程、ふたりは大きな木の下で安らかに眠り始めました...めっちゃ安らかに(きよしこの夜 / Silent Night の動画は “ココ”)。
夢見る Fruit Bunny は、にっこりしながら、自分に言っていました...「もうリンゴシッポはいらないのかもしれない。すごくいい友達ができたから…」と。
米国で2021年12月12日(日)に新しい曲が生まれたのをきっかけに、Fruit Bunny が帰ってきたと感じています。日本で2021年12月16日(木)、アメリカで2021年12月15日(水)の Across Waters の際、コロラド州デンバーやワシントン州ウィッビー島でたくさんのうさぎが見かけられていたことが明らかになりました。
あなたは Fruit Bunny に気付いていますか?
英文上記の最後より二段落内のリンクを見ていただければ、僕のCDアルバム Energy / 命 と Fruit Bunny の三部楽章の曲について英語で読むことができます。