Feb 20 Tuning Fork (7:07-9:09pm)
Goh live at TF
Thursday, Feb 20 from 7:07pm
accepting donations (no cover)
12051 Ventura Pl, Studio City, CA 91604
street parking / all ages event
food & drinks available for purchasing
Feb 28 - Across Waters (6-7pm)
Goh online
event in English & Japanese
Japan time 3/1(土)の朝11時から正午 =
US pacific time 6-7pm Friday Feb 28
1 hour only (length of entire event)
$5.55 suggested donation
May 1 - Haggin Museum (Stockton, CA / solo show / 7-8pm)
May 17 Yuki's Hookah Bar (Akita JAPAN with Mikajo)
May 25 Queen presents (Iwaki JAPAN with hacto)
Sep 28 Sounds of the Zoo (Kalamazoo, MI)
>>> booking for 2025/2026 now! 2025/2026のconcert/workshopブッキング中!
《past shows》
US West Coast 米国
1/7 Solarc Brewing (Los Angeles, CA)
>>> booking for 2025/2026 now! 2025/2026のconcert/workshopブッキング中!
12/8-16 (events in Morelia & Zihuatanejo)
>>> booking for 2024/2025 now! 2024/2025のconcert/workshopブッキング中!
10/17(木) Osaka 大阪 ESP専門学校 (音楽セミナー校内イベント)
10/18(金) Osaka 河内永和 Bar トリニティー
10/19(土) Osaka 堀江 5th Street (w/ Aki Miyoshi)
10/20(日) Oita 別府 クレオールカフェ (Beppu Tower 1F)
10/23(水) Iki-Island 壱岐 島宿糸&Caféいと
10/25(金) Saga 佐賀 雷神
10/26(土・昼) Fukuoka 小郡 ライフステージ (障害福祉サービス事業 w/ Aki Miyoshi)
10/26(土・夜) Saga 神埼 サム&プル ライフステージ (障害福祉サービス事業 w/ Aki Miyoshi)
10/27(日) Fukuoka 博多 御縁屋 (w/ Aki Miyoshi)
10/28(月) Fukuoka 黒崎 ストロベリーサワー (w/ Naomiバンド & Aki Miyoshi)
10/29(火) Fukuoka 折尾 ハイサイ食堂 (w/ Aki Miyoshi)
11/1(金) Saitama 北坂戸 ハレ
11/2(土) Tochigi 足利 お好み焼きいろり (with hacto) ーSOLD OUTー
11/3(日) Fukushima 田村 江戸光 (with hacto)
11/4(祝・月) Fukushima いわき Queen (with hacto)
11/7(木) Okayama 岡山 Desperado
11/8(金) Tokushima 徳島 Jiro’sギターBar
11/9(土) Osaka 和泉 Dining Cafe ラーナ (w/ Aki Miyoshi)
11/10(日) Osaka 藤井寺 古民家カフェ楽時屋 (w/ Aki Miyoshi)
11/14(木) Tokyo 八丈島 聡福
US West Coast 米国
Sat March 9 (3-5pm) Somewhere in Altadena (address given out on the day of event)
Goh Solo & Collaborative Performances
For info, click "HERE" and email or call number on flyer below.
5/1 Stanbridge Academy (San Mateo, CA)
5/4 Stockton Concert
5/10 Santa Anita Hot Yoga “Yoga & Music in Los Angeles with Aly (5:30-6:30pm)” (Arcadia, CA)
5/31 ʻOno Kitchen & Bar (Bellingham, WA)
6/1 ʻOno Kitchen & Bar (Bellingham, WA)
6/2 ʻOno Kitchen & Bar (Bellingham, WA)
6/6 Pleasant Beach Village (Bainbridge Island, WA)
6/7 7 Cedars Casino (Sequim, WA)
6/8 House Concert (Port Townsend, WA, for info click "HERE" and email me directly)
7/20 Santa Anita Yoga Center (Goh solo; Los Angeles, CA / 290 Rolyn Place Arcadia, CA 91007)
7/26 Pour House Monrovia (Los Angeles, CA / 405 S Myrtle Ave, Monrovia, CA)
8/16 Santa Anita Yoga Center (Aly&Goh; Los Angeles, CA / 290 Rolyn Place Arcadia, CA 91007)
>>> booking for 2024/2025 now! 2024/2025のconcert/workshopブッキング開始!
3/16 Tanta Vida (Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, Mexico)
3/19-3/24 Festival Internacional De La Guitarra (San Miguel de Allende, Meixco)
>>> booking for 2024/2025 now! 2024/2025のconcert/workshopブッキング開始!
Across Waters (online)
Sat March 2 (7-8:30pm pacific time US)
>>> online event for music plus multi-cultural talks 配信Live&Talk
US West Coast 米国
1/4 Haggin Museum (Stockton, CA)
1/5 Crazy Horse (Nevada City, CA)
1/7 Smoked Tomato Pie (Yreka, CA)
1/10 Bloomsbury Blends (Ashland, OR)
1/12 Arcata Playhouse (Arcata, CA)
1/25-28 Namm (with Elite Acoustics, Anaheim, CA)
>>> booking for 2024/2025 now! 2024/2025のconcert/workshopブッキング開始!
Across Waters (online)
2023 FIN: Fri Dec 29 (7-8:30pm pacific time US)
二〇二三年ラスト: 日本日時12/30(土)正午から昼1時半
>>> online event for music plus multi-cultural talks 配信Live&Talk
6/30(金) Chiba 成田 Jazz Bar Cloud9
7/2(日) Fukushima いわき Queen
7/8(土) private event
7/9(日) Gunma 前橋 Drumkan
7/12(水) Saitama 北本市 日暮し (Goh 19:55〜20:40 & Hacto 19:00〜19:45)
7/13(木) Saga 佐賀 雷神
7/14(金) private event (昼の部) & Saga 神埼 サム&プル (夜の部)
7/15(土) Fukuoka 小倉 Music Cross
11/4(土) Chiba 柏 (13:00~13:50, 興味ある方は”ココ" からメールでご連絡を!)
11/5(日) Fukushima いわき Queen (with Hacto)
11/6(月) Fukushima 相馬 刈敷田南集会所 (with Hacto, 福島県相馬市新沼字刈敷田26-54)
11/17(金) Saitama 北本 日暮し
11/21(火) Osaka 南堀江 5th Street (with Aki Miyoshi)
11/24(金) Oita 大分 カンタループ2
11/25(土) Oita 別府
>>> booking for 2023/2024 now! 2023/2024のconcert/workshopブッキング中!
US West Coast 米国
1/5 Haggin Museum (Stockton, CA)
1/6 Gold Vibe Kombuchary (Grass Valley, CA)
4/29 Eclectic Music Festival (from 4:45-5:45pm @ Old Focals Stage; Los Angeles, CA)
5/20 Stockton Flavor Fest (from noon-12:45pm @ Main Stage; Stockton, CA)
5/22 Ruth Asawa School of the Arts (San Francisco, CA)
5/23 Smoked Tomato Pie (Yreka, CA)
5/25 Double Mountain Brewery (Hood River, OR)
5/26 Solera Brewing (Mount Hood, OR)
5/28 Culture Cafe (Bellingham, WA)
6/2 Finnriver (Chimacum, WA)
6/3 Port Townsend Vineyards Winery (Port Townsend, WA)
6/4 Vintage by Port Townsend Vineyards (Port Townsend, WA)
6/8 Grants Pass Museum of Art (2022 review, Grants Pass, OR)
6/11 Blue Wing Saloon (Upper Lake, CA)
8/5 Collage in San Pedro (Los Angeles, CA, 7:30pm)
8/10 Nano Cafe in Sierra Madre (Los Angeles, CA, 5:30-7:30pm)
8/11 BarrelHouse Brewing SLO (San Luis Obispo, CA, 9-11pm)
10/26 Pour House Monrovia (Los Angeles, CA / 405 S Myrtle Ave, Monrovia, CA)
>>> final show in Cali before 2024!? 二〇二三年カリフォルニア最後のライブ!?
10/14(金) Osaka 梅田 専門学校ESP (workshop/音楽セミナー)
10/15(土) Osaka 堀江 5th Street
10/15(土) Across Waters 配信/online (broadcasting live from JAPAN)
10/22(土) Fukuoka 門司港 関門まちかどジャズ
10/23(日) Fukuoka 黒崎 Strawberry Sour
10/28(金) Kanagawa 鎌倉 Univibe
10/29(土) Saitama 鶴ヶ島 Halle
10/30(日) Gunma 前橋 Drumkan
11/6(日) Fukushima いわき Queen
>>> really hoping to go! ぜひ行きたいと思っています!
US West Coast 米国
10/6 Bloomsbury Blends (Ashland, OR)
10/7 Smoked Tomato Pie (Yreka, CA)
10/8 JCA World Music Festival (Mount Shasta, CA)
10/9 JCA World Music Festival (Mount Shasta, CA) (workshop/音楽セミナー)
>>> third west coast tour for 2022! 2022年3回目の米国西海岸ツアー決定!
US West Coast 米国
8/6 House Concert (Santa Cruz, CA)
8/11 Grants Pass Museum of Art (Grants Pass, OR)
8/13 Port Townsend Vineyards (Port Townsend, WA)
8/17 Culture Cafe (Bellingham, WA)
8/20 Double Mountain Brewery (Hood River, OR)
8/22 Solera Brewery (Mount Hood, OR)
8/27 Smoked Tomato Pie (Yreka, CA)
>>> second west coast tour for 2022! 2022年2回目の米国西海岸ツアー決定!
Sat 3/19 Crazy Horse Saloon (Nevada City, CA)
Sun 3/20 Peavine Taphouse (Reno, NV)
Wed 3/23 Smoked Tomato Pie (Yreka, CA)
Fri 3/25 Mary’s Book Release Event @ Paschal Winery (Talent, OR)
Sat 3/26 House Concert (Ashland, OR)
>>> I am going! 行くよ!
Shows (GK B-Day Week)
1. Across Waters (virtual)
Wed Nov 24 & Sat Nov 27 (7pm in Los Angeles)
11/25木曜日 & 11/28日曜日 (正午 in Japan)
2. Concert (in person)
Sun Nov 28 (2:00-3:00pm)
venue: somewhere in Los Angeles
GOH live in PNW
Sun 11/21 5pm @ JUXT Taphouse
accepting donations (free admission)
119 W Holly Street Bellingham, WA 98225
www.composelife.com/diary/112121show (press release)
Wanna book me? Send an offer!
To reach me for bookings and/or reserving show tickets, go to my support page www.composelife.com/supportgoh and send me an email to my gmail.
日本語での対応OKです… 上記サポートページよりemailで!
Goh Kurosawa
photo: Goryo Kuwano, Paul Guenette, Sue Morris
video: Gyokun