AW Backstage Hang / by Goh Kurosawa

AW Backstage 4
Fri October 1 7-8pm in LA (PT)
= 10/2(土)朝11時~正午 in JAPAN

Questions from the first event / 初回時みなさんに頂いたご質問

Q. When you compose a song, do you usually first think of the melody or the words?

Q. "Honey Beast" Why is it worn and scratchy looking in one area?

Q. 天気によってギターの音は変わりますか? 太鼓・しの笛は、天気によって音が変わるうえTuningできないのでTuningできる楽器っていいなあと思うときがあります。

Q. I'd like to know how you figure out how and when to record a sound that you make with your guitar and then repeat it on your sound system, and change the sound when playing Lovetap (

Q. やっぱり気になるのはどうやって色んな音だしてるのか気になります。

Q. When did you first become enamored with music?

Q. 豪さんにとってギターはなんですか?「命」ですかね・・・かっこいい!

Q. How has music shaped your life?

Q. ニャンスケちゃんの好きな食べ物は何ですか?チキン?Seafood? ごうすけ、あ、間違えた、豪さんの好きな食べ物は?

Q. What was the last album/song you heard that you would recommend to someone who's looking to discover some new music?

Q. Across Waters をみてて、豪さんのお家からのリモートでしたよね?いつもあの部屋で曲つくるんですか?

Q. Where was the most unusual setting you were in when a song came to your mind?

Q. What are your musical influences?

Q. よくきく音楽って何ですか?

Q. How did you develop your playing style?

Q. 豪さんの1番好きな曲(うた)は、なんですか?

Q. 自分の楽曲で1番想いが強い曲はどの曲てすか?

Q. Does a song ever come to you in a dream?

Q. どのように作曲しますか? (AW page)