Happy bunny day! / by Goh Kurosawa

AW Anniversary (online/1周年記念配信Live&Talk)


http://www.composelife.com/brokentour​​ (AW page)

"ground beef / 牛絞肉"

Good morning to ya, how are things?

Here is an Across Waters Live&Talk video (online event) from February 2021.

 1. teaser/触り
 2. AW Talk: Goh, Sue, Torah, Tsukuru, Beverly, and Michael (start 8:00)
 3. AW Live: Goh - "Lovetap" (start 43:00)

At the food pantry, I am the runner; ground beef was what she ordered. She has never been an easy customer to please... that is how I used to think up to mid-Feb 2021; change happened. One black hole sun kind of a day, I was completely pissed off. Instantaneously, I felt terrible because I realized it was me... not she. I told myself, next time, no matter what, I am going to make it a good day. Things are iridescent. If and any hesitation, they told me to go to the third word swamp, to find out that we all have our stories. Everybody does, mine is called Lovetap, and always remember to smile.

What is yours?

フードバンクではお客さんに食料を手渡すのが僕。彼女は牛のひき肉をオーダー。このお客さんはメンドクサイ... 2021年2月中旬ごろまで僕はそう決めていた。変化。ブラックホール太陽のようなとある日、僕はぶち切れ、まじか、これは僕のせい、彼女じゃない、と気付く。僕は誓った、次回、どんなことがあろうと、いい日にもっていこうと。ことごと全て玉虫色のように輝いているのが現実。迷ったとき、彼らが言った、第三言葉沼を訪れ、見つけましょう、僕らのストーリーを。みんなそれぞれある、僕のはラブタップ、そしてスマイルを忘れずに。


Share my story, buy/share “Lovetap” here, buy/share “Smile” here, contact me for bookings worldwide, and join me here to share your story Across Waters.

僕のストーリーをシェア、Lovetapをここで購入&シェアSmileをここで購入&シェア、ブッキングをオファー、またここであなたのストーリーと共に海を飛び越えて Across Waters ご来場ください


Happy bunny day!
今日はぴょんぴょんの日(Easter Sunday)!