"Letter to the world" aka "My Family My Friends (part 2)"
composed by GOH (guitar/words)
—click “HERE” to download ($0.99 or name your price) demo version / ご購入は”ココ”で—
—click “HERE“ for lyrics (歌詞の日本語訳あり)—
This is a brand new song that was just born out of the pandemic. I would have been touring in Japan right now, but some times, you just let the flow decide where you are supposed to be. This song is a result of the recent conversations I have been having with many. Please keep taking care, don't forget to smile, and never forget to live every day.
I shot the intro photo in 2011 when I was visiting Rikuzentakata in Japan after the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred on March 11 of that year. The shoreline used to be a forest of trees but the ocean wiped out all the others; this tree was the last one standing. The tree eventually died most likely from all the sea water it took in, but it has been preserved as a monument known today as the miracle pine.
僕は、東日本大震災 (2011年3月11日) の数か月後に陸前高田を訪れ、ビデオのイントロに使用された一本松の写真を撮りました。海岸沿いは松林だったらしいですが、津波後に残ったのはこの木です。この奇跡の一本松は枯れてなくなりましたが、震災からの復興を象徴するモニュメントとして残すことになり、幹を防腐処理し心棒を入れて補強したり枝葉を複製したものに付け替えたりするなどの保存作業を経て、元の場所に再び立てられているということです。
Canon VIXIA Mini X
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
Dragon t-shirt by Kyochi Watanabe
Stained Glass Andon by Masumi Kurosawa
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars
filmed in Los Angeles
song letter by GOH (ComposeLife.com)