"Letter to Jeff" by Goh Kurosawa

"Letter to Jeff" composed by GOH (guitar)

There are life lessons happening around us, but often times, we do not recognize that; we are just not quite ready. There was an incredible sincerity I felt from this man, and I don't think I may have felt that from anyone at that level before; but that is not the biggest deal, we are all different, and each of us need lessons that resonate with ourselves. It took me a few weeks to realize the lesson, and when I did, then he was on his way to Michigan moving out from California, in the rain during a pandemic time caused by Covid-19. With or without his knowledge, I received a life lesson, so I decided I would write a song letter to Jeff. This is the key for me... once in a while, call out to a stranger, you just might be surprised. "It was nice to have met you" is also the name of this piece.

Fishman Rare Earth Blend Soundhole Pickup
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
iZotope RX
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars

filmed in Los Angeles
song letter by GOH (ComposeLife.com)

4月2日現在のロス by Goh Kurosawa

僕は2018年のキューバツアーの3週間ほど前からロスのパサデナという町の小さな Food Bank でボランティア活動を始めています。先週はコロナの米国内でのアウトブレイクもあり、僕たちのお店としては記録的な400家族ぶんの食料やトイレットペーパーを、配給しました。昨日も活動しました。しかし、情報が正しければ来週位にロスでは感染者が一番高くなるといわれていまして、さらに先週の火曜日に Food Bank に来ていたボランティアのひとりが、コロナに感染した可能性が高いとのこともあり、水曜日昨日をもってお店を数週間締めることを、ディレクターが緊急で決めました。 

ということで僕も感染している可能性はありますが、確定でなく、感染した可能性がある彼から診断結果の連絡を待っています。いずれにせよ、うつしたくないです。このウイルスは2メートル以上離れていれば、まずうつらないということです。基本的に感染した可能性のある日 (先週の火曜日) から14日は出かけないようにしたいと思います。もしどうしても出かける必要があれば、外出時はマスクを着け、人から2メートルの距離を置くようにします。これは人とのハグやキスや握手が当たり前になった僕にとってはまさに、日本人の我々がいう「難しい…」です、でもこれは僕のためでなく、人のため、と考えるようにしています。いま、アメリカでは6フィート (2メートル位) の距離を開けるソーシアル・ディスタンシング (愛情も持って人との距離をとる... Social Distancing) がマナーになっています。見方からすれば、ロスのストリートに住むホームレスの人々が毎日かんじている距離感をわれわれ一般の人々も試すことになりました。 少し不思議です。スーパーマーケットなどでは店内で一度に人が近づきすぎないようにするため10人くらいずつお店に入る形をとっていて、外の列でも2メートルの間隔をとっていまして、ショッピングカートは入店前に消毒を行っていまして、お店に入るのに1時間以上待つのが普通となっています。



昨日は水曜日で Food Bank にてその前日の火曜日に携帯電話とお財布ををなくしたボランティアが素敵な現実物語をもって仕事に来ていました。







僕は新曲 Lovetap を発表し、その後今週気付けばパサデナの週刊新聞の表紙に掲載していただき、こんな時でも喜べることもあり、厄年をむかえているのでいろんな意味で、「神様なにやってんだ!」状態ですが、どこかでバランスはあると信じて生きています。世界は自分の見方で良くも、悪くも、つまらなくも、たのしくもなり、いま世界中でこんな状況ですから、自分とであればちゃんと向かえる絶好のチャンスではないでしょうか?

僕の日本ツアーが延期になったあと、日本でも Lovetap をご購入していただいている方々が出てきていて、嬉しいです。僕のHP www.composelife.com/diary/2020/3/27/lovetap で聞いていただき、買ってください。

お互いにしっかり生きましょう、愛をもって世界にふれましょう、Lovetap はそういう意味です。

“food bank” by Goh Kurosawa
“sakura“ by Yasuko
“on the cover“ by Sue Morris

Lovetap (teaser) & Pasadena Weekly by Goh Kurosawa

To read article online, go to…

To listen and purchase Lovetap, go to…

"Lovetap" by Goh Kurosawa

composed by GOH (guitar/pedals)

click “HERE” to download audio track ($1.25 or name your price) / ご購入は”ココ”で

“Lovetap“ was recorded and filmed on a street in Los Angeles.

March 30, 2020
Due to the current pandemic, many of our lives have changed suddenly and drastically all over the world; my Japan tour has been cancelled. On an up note, quietly and coincidentally, I have been working to release a new album. A little while back, one sunny day in the city of angels, I was performing outdoors; kids were dancing, people were smiling, we were grooving, and Lovetap was born. I don't remember the exact day, but I sure do recall the exciting feeling I get from when I am on to something special. Over time this song has opened up a fresh sound for me, and furthermore has established a new music genre to my repertoire. For the longest time up to this point, my tour has been called Broken Tour; the name is now Lovetap Tour. Please stay well, share heart, be alive, and live every day.  

Lovetap (ラブタップ) ... この曲はある日ロスで青空を見ながら演奏しているときに生まれました。あのとき子供たちは踊り、大人たちは笑って、みんなでグルーブして、すべてがひとつになったような感じだったかと思います。大変な時は大きく変わるとき、心配する時は心を配るとき。パンデミックを経験している今ですから、さらにそういうときかもしれません。生きていることがありがたい、この気持ちをもっと育てたい。どんなことがあってもにっこりすることを忘れずこの曲を弾き続け、育て続け、愛をもってふれていきたいと思います。

May 9, 2020
Thank you everyone. Many of you have been generously helping to support me during this difficult time. I am extremely excited to share with you the video of my main song, Lovetap. This video is a diary of my travels and includes footage from Japan, Mexico, Route 66, Myanmar, West Coast, and Cuba. I am also excited to announce, this month I have successfully launched my online event with music and conversations (English & Japanese) called Across Waters. Thank you again, and please continue to keep well.

みなさん、ありがとうございます。 パンデミックな事態のなか、多くの方々よりたくさんのサポートをいただいてきております。僕のメインの曲 Lovetap をみんなに見ていただきたいと思います。このビデオには日本、メキシコ、ルート66、ミャンマー、米国西海岸、そしてキューバからの映像が含まれています。また僕のトーク&ライブのオンラインイベント、Across Waters 海を飛び越えて が今月からいい感じに始まりました。改めてありがとうございます。再び日本でお会いできる時までお互い成長し続け、楽しみを見つけながら、笑顔を捨てずに生きていきましょう。

Gyokun (director), Sue Morris (filming), Torah Oglander (tour photo), Tere Olaya (tour video), Shuichiro Noguchi (tour video), Glenn Roth (tour video), Naomi Hanafusa (tour video), Juanito Zihua (tour video), Gyokun & Pete Morris (logo design), Goryo Kuwano (red photo & logo photo), Honey Beast (Goh’s guitar by Lowden Guitar), Lucky8 (Goh’s custom amp by Elite Acoustics), Jack Sanders Guitars (maintenance & repair), Slow Burn (Goh’s custom cables by Sea Side Sound in Saga Japan), Artio RK01 inner-ear headphones by TTR Cooperation, LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist), Martin Strings, Nikon, Sony, Vegas Pro, iZotope, Msi Laptop

Japan tour postponed by Goh Kurosawa

ロサンゼルスでは珍しいくらい雨が多い毎日が続いています。Japan Tour 2020 は延期となりました。先週の水曜日までここロスではほとんど Covid-19 の影響ありませんでしたが、昨夜に市長が4月19日まで続く外出禁止令を発表しました。今朝コストコではお店に入ろうとしているお客さんで 2㎞ の列ができていました。





This is my first time to cancel my entire tour. Brilliant Strings (www.BrilliantStrings.org) was scheduled at the beginning of April but no more. Things were pretty normal here till last Wednesday, but now, due to the global spread of Covid-19 reaching our city of angels, Los Angels is now going under a major shut down. Last night the mayor gave the order to residents here not leave home until April 19. It has been raining. I believe this is a chance for me to take a look at myself, and allow myself to be a better human being and learn further how to breathe with the earth; I am continuing to engage in life. Be alive, live every day, and more soon… hint? Well… please check back in seven days for a new release. Take care.

"Letter to Amy & Dave" by Goh Kurosawa

"Letter to Amy & Dave" composed by GOH (guitar)

Amy and David have been consistently energizing my soul, my music, and my life. This song letter aka "Little Angel" is perhaps a little bit of how I feel about them, and perhaps is a little bit of how I make effort to feel about everyone everything and beyond.

Fishman Rare Earth Blend Soundhole Pickup
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
iZotope RX
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
Mooer Audio A7 Ambiance
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars

filmed in Los Angeles
song letter by GOH (ComposeLife.com)

"Letter to Rob & Kay" by Goh Kurosawa

"Letter to Rob & Kay" composed by GOH (guitar)

During my west coast tour in 2019, I saw the sign for historical old town Yreka along the I-5 freeway, and decided to make a spontaneous stop. I met Rob and Kay there, and we instantly became friends. This is a song letter to them. "Yreka" is also the name of this composition.

Fishman Rare Earth Blend Soundhole Pickup
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
iZotope RX
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars

filmed in Los Angeles
song letter by GOH (ComposeLife.com)

HEART/心 by Goh Kurosawa

こんばんは、ロスにいます。2ヶ月のツアーの間に僕が撮ったここの3枚の写真は旅を表現しているところがあります。誰かに教えていただくまで気付きませんでした... ハートが見えますか?


Good evening friends, I'm in Los Angeles. These three photos I took during the two months of touring seem to express a journey. I did not see it until someone let me see it... can you see a heart?

Life must be what we believe it to be.


太陽/SUN by Goh Kurosawa

photo by Goh Kurosawa

「日の出入り... すばらしい。」 —調まゆみ

"Sunrises and sunsets... magnificent." —Mayumi Shirabe

Keep It Simple by Goh Kurosawa

日本の夏 (二〇年ぶりのかき氷)





台風が名古屋を離れ始めた朝に奈良県東生駒に向かいLee Zenで髪を整えたのち大阪府茨木市のJack Lionにむかい岡本憲明さん(ケンメイさん)主催第二回Go! Goh! Sessionセミナー。第一回目では聖哉くんのパフォーマンスに感激して京丹後市に行くきっかけになりました。今回のセミナーで僕はあらためて慌てないことが大切であることと、自分はインプロメロディーを少しづつ盛り上げていきたいことをしたいのだと感じました。このセミナーは高校生と大学生さらに社会人の参加も可能で音遊びを重要視しているイベントで、来年も開催されるとのことです。またJack Lionには九月二十七日にライブで永岡聖哉さんと出演します。


丹後での二泊三日のあと、大阪心斎橋に向かい、5th StreetでMasaki-chiさんの月一ライブにゲストで演奏させていただきました。5th Streetは吹田市にあったころより参加させていただいております。




Summer in Japan

This summer, I was invited to participate in an event organized by Seiya Nagaoka in Kyotango, and therefore, I was able to experience the summer in Japan which I have not experienced in twenty years. He told me that he can plan his event around my schedule; I finalized my itinerary with the date of my high school reunion in mind, and we agreed on a date for his event in Kyotango.

After performing in Myanmar in 2017, it has become a fun goal of mine to visit a new country each year and perform my music. In 2018 I went to Cuba, and this year in the spring, I visited Geruma Island in Okinawa, and I just finished visiting Shiki and Kyotango in Japan. It is key to not get completely wired up with the goal I have created, but to have fun with it; my take on a new country is fairly flexible. Flexibility and mobility are key to rejoicing.

Being invited by Mituko Maehara of Clover Media, I was on the air in Shiki in Saitama, and afterwards the staff and I enjoyed a fabulous dinner along with shooting stars through the sky above us. I will be back in Shiki this October 5 to perform for Sound Street Shiki.

The next three days, I stayed with Jun Nagatuka to work on my music and guitar strengths. He knows many incredible musicians that I have no idea about, and I am always stimulated. This time in particular, I was struck by the concept of holding one's instrument the other way around. For example, as a right handed guitar player, if the right hand is on the fret board, chances are, we are able to control more of the tail end of our sounds, just because we are better familiar with muscles of the right hand than the left. If you have a chance to listen to the radio show from Shiki, please do so; I talked about how I have been working on awareness. To further my ability with awareness, this year I completed a 75 meter underwater dive in a 25 meter pool, by going three laps in one breath. Up to this day, I have been able to do this four times. Being influenced by Jun, about four months ago I started holding my chopsticks with my non dominant hand, left hand, to eat very little Japanese freshwater calms. There is potential for any freshness, children know best.

It was during the morning when the typhoon was leaving Nagoya that I departed for Higashi-Ikoma in Nara to get a hair cut; then I was on to Jack Lion in Ibaraki in Osaka for Go! Goh! Session jam (part two). It was at the inaugural jam that I was moved by Seiya's performance that I decided to accept his offer to go to Kyotango to be a part of his event. During the jam, I made a mental note that I want to take my time to build a big climactic improvisation; at least once in a while. Students, and adults, anybody who is interested are welcome to participate, and we are planning for a third jam next year. I will be back at Jack Lion on September 27 for a live performance with Seiya, a two man show.

The following day on Saturday, Kenmei (organizer of Go! Goh! Session) and I left from Suita in Osaka to go to Kyotango. It took us about four hours by train and bus. I never knew that Kyoto was so huge. Kyotango in Kyoto is by the Japan Ocean. Seiya’s event was a big success, yet I probably had more fun when we were visiting Amanohasidate where I raced with kids on baby rubber horses. I won all three races. I want to continue to be an adult that children would wanna be around to hang with.

After the two nights and three days in Kyotango, I headed towards the center of Osaka called Shinsaibashi to participate in a monthly event hosted by Masaki-chi Ban at 5th Street. I have been performing at 5th Street since it was in Suita, and this was also where Thomas Leeb and I performed together during our Japan tour in 2006.

Today, I am demonstrating by eating two different kinds of Japanese sticky beans with the exact same sauce and different kind of sauces. This is rejoicing.

Once I return to Los Angeles tomorrow, I will be on the mother road again in September. I will be back in Japan for the fall, then in November, I am touring the west coast up to Bellingham, WA.

Rejoicing; this is where I want to be.

West Coast 2019 by Goh Kurosawa

-June 5, 2019-

Gotta risk it to get the biscuit… after driving 2815 miles in two weeks, I am home; I am so happy that I decided not to fly to Seattle!

やったもんがちです... 2週間で4530kmをひとりマイカーで米国西海岸まわりました。飛行機使わなくて本当に楽しい旅になりました!

-May 30, 2019-


"Don't be afraid."

Fun news first... I am in Yreka California, and I just made some new friends a few hours ago. I decided to follow my nose, and stopped here to get an onion burger, and I heard about a club in town. It was almost 2pm, I played for the owners, and therefore, I got a gig to play tonight at the Rex Club, one of the prime spots for music in town. My original plan was to drive to Grass Valley for the night and visit the Mother Lode. 

More news next... my radio show appearance on KPIG and house concert in Carmel are postponed. I have a choice how to act, so as much as possible, make a better choice please... I did a good job; driving from Southern Oregon with a smile on my face, it was after I learned about the postponed radio show that I stopped in Yreka to find the unexpected joy.

The point...

"Believe, keep it simple, and live every day."

Let life be beautiful all the time, have a fantastic day.

Japan 2019 by Goh Kurosawa

マイ割り箸 by Goh Kurosawa

大阪 5th Street からOCATへ50キロの荷物と歩き、








いや... これはぼくのおもいこみ???


「終わりましたか?」 と尋ねてきて、
「はい!」 と答え食器を渡しました。









New Day by Goh Kurosawa

Los Angeles / ロス → Hong Kong / 香港 → Higashiikoma / 東生駒 → Nagoya / 名古屋 → Hamamatsu / 浜松 ... Japan tour begins today / 日本ツアー今日始まります!!!

Friday today in Hamamatsu, tomorrow Saturday in Kofu, and Sunday in Maebashi; 17 events in Japan all the way up to April 29. Then Cali and Pacific Northwest ... I will have a show in Santa Barbara (Saturday, May 11), and I just got booked to perform at Folk Life in Seattle (Monday, May 27, Memorial Day). Please go to link above for all shows. 

金曜日今日は浜松ライブ、明日土曜日は甲府ライブ、日曜日は前橋ライブで4月29日まで17のイベント(ライブや校内セミナー)がございます。五月はカリフォルニアとワシントン... 5/11にサンタバーバラで、5/27にシアトルです。上記リンクでツアー予定ご覧ください。

I went for my morning work out here in Japan. Took about one hour and a half to really energize my mind and body. The weather here is nice, makes me feel like I am back in sunny LA on a fine day. I had time to think about things. Yesterday, I got a hair cut from Seigoh at LeeZen, and then ate a lot of cabbage with Jun who has been working on doing things as if he were left handed. 


In March I received a custom amp “Lucky8“ with my name on it from Elite Acoustics, and a custom guitar cable set “Slow Burn“ with my face on it from Sea Side Sound

3月には僕の名前が入ったアンプ “Lucky8“ (from Elite Acoustics) と、僕の顔が入ったギターケーブルのセット “Slow Burn“ (from Sea Side Sound) を頂きました。

In Japan, or the US, or Myanmar, or Cuba, or Mexico, and probably anywhere else in the world, ultimately all we want is to love and to be loved.


My tour title is currently Broken Tour. The name will be changing, everything evolves.

現在のツアータイトル Broken Tour はもうしばらく後に変わります、次に進む時です。

Let's all have a great day today. It is always a new day.


St. Louis 2019 by Goh Kurosawa

Wilson School Alumni Achievement Award by Goh Kurosawa

I am one of the two recipients of The Wilson School’s 2019 Alumni Achievement Awards... St. Louis is where my life in the United States started!
