A message from mother and father.
Happy new year.
Goh Kurosawa
A message from mother and father.
Happy new year.
Goh Kurosawa
Everybody's gonna rock 2021!!!
http://www.composelife.com/brokentour (AW page)
“It begins and ends with support.”
Roger Mills
「サポート (支え) で始まりサポートで終わる。」
“Whatever music is out there, there is always room for more.“
Eddie Van Halen
In the middle of October, I changed the filter of my water pitcher, so it should be good for the next two months; up to until about Christmas time.
A little before that my friend Leo in Columbia, insisted on me getting a copy of a book called Zen Guitar; it's good. On Oct 17 at Across Waters, in response to a question that came from a friend, our conversation aka AW Talk arrived to the point where friends shared their personal experiences related to the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima, as well as personal feelings on the atomic bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima; all who were present, had a chance to consider the importance of looking for balance between individual rights and the obligations to better our world, and live every day. This episode of AW will be released on YouTube; it is already out on the AW page (www.composelife.com/brokentour) of my website. On Oct 16, I had to take Nyan Nyan to the cat doctor, Dr. Chan; my cat had two red spots. Nyan Nyan was biting himself; we had to put a cone on him in addition to giving him medication. He is much better now. At the end of October, my dream to travel with Nyan Nyan became true; Mindy welcomed us to her home (https://airbnb.com/h/midcenturygem) for three nights. Nyan Nyan and I spent time in Yucca Valley right by Black Rock Canyon of Joshua Tree National Park. I broadcasted AW during this vacation time in the High Desert there, and drove back to LA in time for the final AW in Oct, the night before Halloween. Perhaps the most important thing when conversing with someone is to genuinely acknowledge that I see/hear them and to continue to keep making effort to see/hear them; rather than coming to a forced consensus or conclusion. On the first day when the time change occurred during this fall, I ran in the morning to go have fun with the pullup bar at the nearby neighborhood park; it was my second time to officially start working my way towards training my back once again. Yesterday I had my first session with Roger in the Pacific NW; he is guiding me to strengthen my singing voice with technical suggestions such as candle blows. Before going to bed, I checked in with Big D who lives in the second biggest city in France; the main French cities have another covid-19 shutdown, plus they will be in the annual flu season soon. On a positive note, each day when he goes home from after working at the lab, his guitars will be waiting to be played; it brings him peace. LA is known to be sunny, but there can be rain; the sun is out today, and birds are singing here. I was born this month; on my birthday Nov 28, I will have my B-Day show via AW Live, and I should call my mother; tell her, good job mom... my brother shared with me this cool idea some time ago.
そのちょっと前にコロンビアに住むレオから禅ギターの本を読むべきと伝えられました。いい本です。日本時間の10月18日の Across Waters の時、友達から出た原子力発電所の質問をきっかけに、会話は福島でおきた原発のメルトダウンと広島に落ちた原爆の話になり、AW はひとりひとりが気持ちを分かち合う場になりました。個人個人の権利と、世界をよくしていくための義務に話は発展していき、日本からの参加者、アメリカからの参加者、それぞれが自分として生きるということ、共に生きるということ、これらについて深く温かくふれあえた感じでした。この時のAWは今後YouTubeで公開されます、僕の hp の AW page (www.composelife.com/brokentour) では配信を初めています。日本で10月17日に僕は Nyan Nyan をチャン医師に連れて行きました、赤くはれている個所が2ヶ所あったためです。ニャンスケが自分を噛んでいたので、薬等をいただき、エリザベスカラーをつけさせ、良くなってきました。10月の終わりにジャンドンスケ (Nyan Nyan) と初の二人旅に出て、夢が叶い、メチャ嬉しかったです。ミンディーさんの家 (https://airbnb.com/h/midcenturygem) にご招待いただき、3夜泊めていただきました。泊った場所はジョシュア・ツリー国立公園のすぐ近くで、AW もそこから開催。アメリカ時間のハロウィーンの1夜前にロスに車で戻り、10月最後の AW をやるなか、本当に大切だなと思ったのは、誰と会話を交わしていても、相手の姿が見えている、相手の声が聞こえている、これを伝え続けること、でした。結果より過程、目的地よりそこまでの旅路、一秒一秒、生きよう生きよう、って感じです。米国では11月1日に夏時間が終わり、時計上での時間が1時間遅くなりました。その朝、僕は近くの公園まで走り、懸垂鉄棒でもちろん子供に勝つように遊びました。これから入っていきたいトレーニングのための2回目の準備はうまくいった感じです。同じ日にワシントン州に住むロジャーさんから初のボーカルレッスンを頂きました。誕生日にケーキを消す時にやるキャンドル吹きのテクニックで歌声の向上を、と勧められました。その夜、寝る前にフランスに住むビッグDさんに連絡を入れたところ、フランスでは大都市等はコロナの影響で再びロックダウンになっていることを知り、さらにこれからインフルエンザの時期ということで、彼は病院で働いていて忙しくなっていくようです。前向きに彼は言っています、一日を終えて家に帰ればギターが待っているので、楽しみがあるから大丈夫と。 ロサンゼルスは晴天ばかりという印象が強いですが、雨も降ります。今日は太陽が出ていて、聞こえるのは鳥たちの歌声。僕はこの月に生まれました。僕の誕生日、11月28日には Across Waters で誕生日ライブ。母に電話して伝えます、おかあさん、よくやったねと。このユニークな考え方はいつだったか弟からもらったものです。
My water pitcher will be good to go for another month then.
Goh Kurosawa (English & Japanese writings and photos), Mindy Kittay (“Goh on the hill” photo), Michael Sipkoski (English writing supervisor), Teruyo Koshimiya (Japanese writing supervisor)
Good morning from Los Angeles (in Japan it would be good night).
ロスからおはようございます。日本はおやすみの時間ですね (おやすみん)。
I would like to invite you to Across Waters (this week on Wed Oct 14 & Sat Oct 17, AW “talk” 7pm PDT, AW “show” 8pm PDT), my live online event with music and conversations. People were in touch at the beginning of the pandemic, and still continuing; let's get together for music, talk, and share heart... how is Japan, how is Los Angeles, how is America, how is Columbia, how are things.
みなさん是非オンラインイベント、僕の Across Waters (今週だと日本で十月十五日木曜日と十月十八日日曜日、AWトーク午前11時、AWライブ正午) にご来場ご検討お願いします。もともとパンデミックのはじまりに多くの日本の人やアメリカの人と話をしていてAW始めました。先日友とお話をしていて、日本ではコロナ対策のため、リモートでイベントやる場合でも、消毒や social distancing のやり方が徹底していたので、僕はすばらしいと感激しました。話を聞くと、しっかりコロナから守るためにやる人はいますが、ところが、多くの方がただ、人に叱られたくないから、対策のいうとおりにしたり、マスクをしたりするところがあると聞き、考えました。その話を聞いて、自分が日本から離れたかった理由のひとつを思い出さされた感じでした。しかし、場所を変えても日本人は日本人です。ちなみにですが、アメリカでは人のいうことを聞かなさすぎる文化があるため日本とは違う形で心に感じるところがあります。2週間前の AW (アクロスウォーターズ) では我々日本人は海外の人々が、自分たちの言葉でしっかりお話できているという印象が強いと日本の友よりでて、最終的にアメリカ人の友達たちはどう思うのかと尋ね、さらにアメリカの友一人が、日本人というのは大宇宙の中でどこにいるべきかしっかり分かっている人々と思う、と伝えていただきました。彼は日本の立川に4年間住んでいたということです。そこで今週水曜日 (日本だと木曜日の朝) は日本人が感じる責任感とアメリカ人が感じる責任感について AWトーク でみんなでお話ししたいと思います。
www.composelife.com/brokentour (AW info/schedule)
This week, once again, I would like to invite you to my living room for Across Waters. Honey Beast (my guitar), Nyan Nyan (my cat), and I will be here. The door is open. Above all, keep well please.
みなさん是非 Across Waters にご来場ご検討お願いします、命かけてやります。ハニービースト (僕のギター) と、にゃんどんのすけ (僕の猫) のいる僕の living room へ今週も、どうぞ (dozo)。ありがとうございます。
composed by GOH (guitar)
—click “HERE” to download audio track ($1.25 or name your price) / ご購入は”ココ”で—
“Smile“ was recorded and filmed in a park in Southern California.
October 2, 2020
Hi guys, please visit link above to listen, to purchase, and to dance. I proudly consider this song to be my American Rumba. A long time ago, I taught myself to play a bulerias (a rapid 12/8 form in flamenco) by Paco De Lucia; later on, I wrote Smile (this being a rumba, the meter is 4/4). Back then I was writing a series of compositions for my students, with one thing in mind; the sheet music for each tune had to be kept to a page. Smile was one of them, and because I continued to play this piece year after year, it grew beyond that original one page.
みなさん、この曲は僕のアメリカン・ルンバです。ずっと昔にパコ・デ・ルシアのブレリア (12/8拍子のフラメンコ) を独学し、しばらく後に Smile を作曲 (ルンバなので4/4拍子)。そのころ自分の生徒さん用にいろんなスタイルの曲を作っていて、一曲ごとに五線譜一枚に収まるように仕上げていました。Smile も、その中のひとつだからもともとは五線譜一枚。弾き続けてきたので Smile は広がり、弾き続けているので今後さらにもっと笑います。
Gyokun (director & audio engineer), Sue Morris (filming), Gyokun & Pete Morris (logo design), Goryo Kuwano (logo photo), Honey Beast (Goh’s guitar by Lowden Guitar), Elite Acoustics (custom guitar cable), Remigijus Bobina (wooden chair), Jack Sanders Guitars (maintenance & repair), Artio RK01 inner-ear headphones by TTR Cooperation (special thank you to Masanori Araki), LeeZen (リゼン hair stylist; special thank you to Seigoh LeeZen & 大山賢剛), Martin Strings, Nikon, Sony, Vegas Pro, iZotope, Msi Laptop, and a whole lotta other stuff…
…just smile. ;)
"Humming Song" aka “Trällerliedchen, op.68, no.3“
composed by Robert Schumann
arranged by Goh Kurosawa
It has been a hard day, but it was not a bad day; it was probably supposed to be this way. Before going to bed, and before getting ready to volunteer at the food bank tomorrow morning, I think I am supposed to share this with my audience today. I first played this song, I think, in 1996; a lovely piece by Robert Schumann. Let the music help me find my way. Good night.
Zoom Q8
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars
filmed in Los Angeles
GOH (ComposeLife.com)
Another good friend died.
Two friends lost there houses to fires.
In Oregon, entire towns are burning to the ground.
Smokey skies here in Los Angeles.
The amount of deaths from Covid 19 is now above 197,000 in the US.
There are issues in the US, but there is always a reason to celebrate life.
Across Waters "Moonrise" was brought together by Prince who died.
Across Waters "月の出" は亡くなったねこちゃん、プリンス、を思ってまとめました。
Good morning! おはようございます (日本はおやすみですね)!
I am now comfortable to show a rehearsal from my room. 僕の部屋へようこそ、リハの様子です。
And this is a livestream with The Japan Foundation in Los Angeles. 国際交流基金ロサンゼルス日本文化センターよりご連絡いただきライブをしました:
For info about Across Waters go here. 海を飛び越えて Across Waters:
Live every day.
Jane Goodall was 5 when she waited for hours to see the chicken (hen) lay an egg. As soon as she succeeded, she ran to her mother with a big smile. As soon as her mother saw her child, she knew that Jane just had a great experience of learning on her own. Things need to unfold on its own, naturally.
Japan... 好きにならずにいられない
Can't help falling in love with 日本
—click “HERE” for song diary and video of Lovetap / 歌日記とビデオは”ココ”から—
Thank you everyone. Many of you have been generously helping to support me during this difficult time. I am extremely excited to share with you the video of my main song, Lovetap. This video is a diary of my travels and includes footage from Japan, Mexico, Route 66, Myanmar, West Coast, and Cuba. I am also excited to announce, this month I have successfully lunched my online event with music and conversations (English & Japanese) called Across Waters. Thank you again, and please continue to keep well.
みなさん、ありがとうございます。 パンデミックな事態のなか、多くの方々よりたくさんのサポートをいただいてきております。僕のメインの曲 Lovetap をみんなに見ていただきたいと思います、上記リンクをクリックして歌日記ページから動画をアクセスください。このビデオには日本、メキシコ、ルート66、ミャンマー、米国西海岸、そしてキューバからの映像が含まれています。また僕のトーク&ライブのオンラインイベント、Across Waters 海を飛び越えて が今月からいい感じに始まりました。改めてありがとうございます。再び日本でお会いできる時までお互い成長し続け、楽しみを見つけながら、笑顔を捨てずに生きていきましょう。
—to send a message, or to contribute by Venmo (PayPal) & Zelle, click “HERE” for support page—
I started volunteering at a small food bank in 2018, and we closed on April Fools' Day to avoid the peak of Covid-19. We reopened last week, food pantry is back!
"Letter to Kellie" aka “Songbird”
composed by GOH (guitar)
I started to volunteer at a food bank in 2018; Kellie was one of the first persons to teach me there. With friends like her around, even during the time of a pandemic, life simply sparks with joy. "Songbird" is also the name of this composition, but I did think of "Tooons!" as another alternative.
二〇一八年よりフードバンクでボランティアしています。仕事場でケリーには初日からいろいろ教えていただきました。彼女みたいな友達に囲まれていますと、たとえパンデミックがあっても、生きていることが単純に楽しくなります。この曲の別名は "歌鳥" ですが、 "漫画あ~~~!" もタイトル候補に考えました。
Zoom Q8
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
filmed in Los Angeles
song letter by GOH (ComposeLife.com)
"Letter to the world" aka "My Family My Friends (part 2)"
composed by GOH (guitar/words)
—click “HERE” to download ($0.99 or name your price) demo version / ご購入は”ココ”で—
—click “HERE“ for lyrics (歌詞の日本語訳あり)—
This is a brand new song that was just born out of the pandemic. I would have been touring in Japan right now, but some times, you just let the flow decide where you are supposed to be. This song is a result of the recent conversations I have been having with many. Please keep taking care, don't forget to smile, and never forget to live every day.
I shot the intro photo in 2011 when I was visiting Rikuzentakata in Japan after the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred on March 11 of that year. The shoreline used to be a forest of trees but the ocean wiped out all the others; this tree was the last one standing. The tree eventually died most likely from all the sea water it took in, but it has been preserved as a monument known today as the miracle pine.
僕は、東日本大震災 (2011年3月11日) の数か月後に陸前高田を訪れ、ビデオのイントロに使用された一本松の写真を撮りました。海岸沿いは松林だったらしいですが、津波後に残ったのはこの木です。この奇跡の一本松は枯れてなくなりましたが、震災からの復興を象徴するモニュメントとして残すことになり、幹を防腐処理し心棒を入れて補強したり枝葉を複製したものに付け替えたりするなどの保存作業を経て、元の場所に再び立てられているということです。
Canon VIXIA Mini X
Msi Laptop
Vegas Pro
Sony Cyber‑shot DSC-WX300
LeeZen (リゼン; hair stylist)
Dragon t-shirt by Kyochi Watanabe
Stained Glass Andon by Masumi Kurosawa
Martin Strings
Honey Beast (Lowden Guitar)
Jack Sanders Guitars
filmed in Los Angeles
song letter by GOH (ComposeLife.com)
("Japan on my mind" 下記は2020年4月11日の記事の日本語版)
Hey guys, the following article was published here (www.composelife.com/diary/2020/4/11/japan-on-my-mind) in English. This morning on April 15, I heard that Japan could loose 400,000 from the virus if absolutely nothing is done to prevent the spreading; still today, currently Japan is under 200 deaths from Covid-19. Let's get through this, and come out better. Please keep taking care.
大阪の友と電話で話したのはこちらで4月11日午前9時 (日本時間4月12日午前1時) でした。音楽と人生の今昔そして未来について語り合いました。彼は日本で様々なライブハウスで演奏をする父の姿を見ながら育っています。われわれ日本人の間では、ハグやキスや握手の習慣が基本的に非常に少ないです。しかしライブハウスでは少し違い、僕の友はその場での人々のオープンさを見て育ち、特にハグなどは彼にとって当たり前の習慣になるとともに、大きな喜びと楽しみになったということです。彼はこのような習慣がパンデミック後も世界中で残ることを希望しています。実際に僕が海外の国々や文化に関心を持った一つのポイントとして、人のことを大切に思ってハグやキスでふれるのは素晴らしいと感じたからに違いありません。英語の文章では投稿しなかったことですが、猫や犬をハグするのも大好きです、もしかして人間以上に。いまアメリカではソーシアル・ディスタンシング (愛情も持って人との距離をとる...2メートル位... Social Distancing) がコロナに対する武器の一つになっていますが、分かりますか?これは我々が普通に日々日本でとっている距離感とほとんど変わらず、我々には新しくないとも言えます。しかし英語で言われると新しいことと思いがちなのも我々ではないでしょうか。日本でこの距離感が始まったのはいつなのでしょう?僕は英語版の記事で書きました、「距離はとっていますが、我々日本人はあなたがそこにいること、こころよりはっきり愛情をもって、しっかり見えています…」と。これは中国に影響を受けた可能性があるかもしれません。こちらパサデナに住む中国人友のお話によると、彼らは昔から人それぞれが、それぞれの宇宙であると考えてきたといいます。すなわち、エネルギーの流れの邪魔をしないためにも挨拶で人と触れることはなかったということです。このことを伝えていただいた時僕は日本は八百万の神の国であることを思い出し、さらに、続いて岡山に訪れてライブをした時の出来事を思い出しました。ライブハウスの方にこうに伝えていただきました、「豪さん、私たちのお客様たちはライブでは感情をみせません。帰宅後家で、"今日のライブは最高だった" と感激しながらがら一人で泣きます…」と。
4月11日は大阪でのライブが予定されていました、桜も楽しみにしていました。こちらロスでは Easter Sunday の4月12日あたりがコロナウイルスのピークになるとお聞きしていましたので、うさぎさんがコロナさんを落ち着かせていただければ、と願いました。
ここ最近ずっと日本のことに心を配っています。今日4月15日に “対策なければ最悪40万人以上が死亡” と厚労省専門家チームが発表したので、先日の英語記事の日本語版を書くことにしました。もともとは英語を読む友達や家族に読んでいただき、日本のすてきな文化や習慣を知ることでアメリカがもっと救われると信じ公開した文章です。英語圏の方々にまず知っていただきたかったことですが、生きる自信を少しでも日本へ配ることができればと思って、日本語版を製作させていただきました。
毎日アメリカに住む友達や家族に電話しながら、新しく発表した Lovetap の音源のプロモーションを続けていて、さらに日本で何が起きているのかを知るため、友達や家族やファンをはじめ多くの人に連絡しています。今は日本に変化が見え始めていますが、ここ一ヶ月近くは、普通に生活しているという回答がほとんどだったので、焦っていました。「スポーツジムに通っています...レストランで普通に食べています...手術の準備をしています...子供たちは公園で遊んでいます...スーパーで普通に買い物していて、ロスのような一度に10人のみ入場の制限はないです...鳴沢氷穴には、普段よりかなり少ないですが、70人から200人単位で人が来ています...旅行で沖縄に東京から出かけています...」などなどと聞き、驚いていましたが、K-1 格闘技試合で埼玉スーパーアリーナに日本全国から6000人以上集まったと聞いた時は、デラ(名古屋弁)ぶったまげました。しかし、4月15日今日現在日本での統計上コロナからの死者数は200人未満です。米国では3月27日に感染者80000人以上で死者1000人以上で、4月10日は感染者500000人以上で死者18000人になり、今日4月15日はニューヨークだけで死者10899人の全米で死者28000人以上になっています。ちなみに日本の総人口はアメリカの半分以下です。
一方東海岸のニューヨークでは常に救急車が駆け巡っているようです。しかし、こちらアメリカでは social distancing と、マスクと、手を洗うことで、ほんとうにゆっくりですが、コロナのひろがる速さが遅くなりだしている感じです。この三つは日本国内で今までもずっと行ってきている習慣です。僕は健康のため、毎日2時間くらい歩いたり体操したりし、野菜やオレンジなどの果物と自分で作った食事を食べ、音楽にうちこみ続けています。僕が住んでいるこの町では、みんなで今後の生活の準備と、これから訪れる世界に希望を持ちながら、当たり前にやれることをみんなでやっているなか、待っている感じです、雨が降っていても。待つ話といえば、五ヶ月ほど前に片腕懸垂の修行中にひどく手首を痛め、いまだに直りきっていません。というのも筋力体操をずっと続けていたからです。ここ二ヶ月は、ほぼストレッチ運動だけをしていまして、治ってきていますが、この治る過程は大切で時間がかかることだとよく分かりました。だから今回のパンデミックで世界規模のことはもっと時間かかるのは当たり前と考えています。大切なものは、時には、ぶっ壊れなければその大事さが分からないのが、現実ではないでしょうか。僕は日本人です、我慢できます。毎日のように音楽とギターを続けていますが、はっきり言えます、手首が良くなってきています。完全に治って前よりももっと良くなることを希望しています、信じるのであれば、前向きに信じましょう、きっとそうなるでしょう。
It has been a month. I did a show in Los Angeles on March 7, and the entire time, all I could do then was pray for my friends and family in Japan while performing; I did not think that we would get hit here. A week later, our city was getting shut down. At first I was mad, I was not happy about the orders, but I do believe now that people have been doing what they could do for all to stay well. Yesterday, it became official that one could get fined $1000 from not having a mask on while going out, simply to help stop the spreading of the global pandemic. What could be next?
It was 9am here, and it was 1am there in Japan when I got off the phone with a friend of mine this morning. We talked about music, we talked about life, now, then, and the future. He grew up in Japan going to many ‘Livehouse’ venues to watch and support his father performing. Traditionally, and for the most part, Japanese people are quiet; we do not hug, we do not kiss, and we do not shake hands. For him, as a young man growing up in Japan, seeing the musicians and listeners engaging in these gestures at these venues was something that made him smile; for him, it became a normal thing to look forward to. He is hoping that these gestures would remain worldwide; I think these gestures are one of the reasons we were so fascinated with countries and cultures overseas as we were growing up; gestures to show someone that you care through one's physical touch. In Japan, keeping one's distance, and admiring someone from that distance has been the natural way for centuries perhaps or more. But please do understand, we know you are there, very well. Perhaps we were influenced by the Chinese thousands of years ago. According to my friend from China, she says that the Chinese have always thought about each person as a universe. In order not to disrupt the energy flow, it has become their way not to touch regularly; when they do, very powerful, as the two universes join. This reminded me that in Japan we believe that everything has a god; we believe that there is a god for our desks, for our cars, and even for the bathrooms. For whatever reason, this took me back to music to think of the Japanese music audiences; after one of my performances a while back, the owner of the venue was clarifying for me, "the audience at our space does not reveal their emotions at the show... they go home and cry remembering that it was an event worth crying for."
Today would have been the day of my performance in Osaka with some of my brothers and sisters there as well as enjoying the seasonal cherry blossoms. I am hearing that here in Los Angeles, the virus is going to be peaking possibly tomorrow Sunday when the bunny is hopping into town; hoping that the bunny would help calm down the corona. I do have a three movement suite about a bunny from another galaxy with a tail of an apple, but that is a song and story for another time.
Japan has been on my mind. While exchanging conversations with friends and family here in the US, and getting the word out that I just released my new audio track Lovetap, I’ve been calling and writing to my friends and family in Japan to get a sense of what has been going on there. They have been telling me that for the most part people are still pretty much living the same way, which has been shocking as well as the reason for me to worry... people are working out at gyms, people are eating in restaurants, some are getting ready for medical operations, kids are playing in the playgrounds, people are visiting natural monuments, doing grocery shopping as we usually have been doing with no waiting lines outside, going on a vacation to Okinawa because their work place told them not to come in, and further more, a few weeks ago over 6000 people all over from Japan came to gather in a stadium to watch the K-1 fighting matches live; I was seriously freaking out at that point. However as of today April 11, the amount of deaths so far is under 200 from Covid-19 in Japan.
The new virus has been in Japan for over two months, yet there is not much panicking going on it could seem; a friend was reminding me, that they could be scared to death quietly from watching the rest of the world, so the truth seem to be that people are being much more way alert than ever. On a side note, the word ‘Ninja’ refers to Japanese assassins who accomplish their missions quietly. I did not think about the following until after a long conversation with the same friend who was giving me the reminder about Japanese people, but there may be a chance that one of the reasons the virus is not killing as many in Japan is due to the natural habits and cultural customs we have been developing throughout the ages. Maybe something happened in the Japanese history for us to become this way.
When we arrive home, we take off our shoes at the door, and go wash our hands and mouth first. Habitually in public settings, a good majority of the people have masks on perhaps throughout the entire year to help prevent giving any germs they may carry to others; the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) seems to believe that masks also help the person from accidentally getting the virus into one's mouth and noise by unaware actions made to touch one's face, essentially preventing one from getting sick. Another tendency that the Japanese have is to keep the common things that we use and share clean for the next person who comes along to use it. The food culture and warm tea drinking custom in Japan seems to be another great line of defense.
I am hoping the best for all of us here in the US, the world, and Japan; in terms of peaking, I believe Japan is a few weeks behind where we are now, but currently the news seem to continue to change every day all over the globe. Thinking about Japan, I have been reading further. In 2019, about 3000 people died from the flu in Japan which was a lot compared to previous years for the country; seemed to have become seasonal since 2012 in Japan while there are about 60000 people who die from the flu in the US annually. With the corona virus, some say we could lose more than 100000 in the US alone by the end of 2020, and we are not completely sure if this would become seasonal or not.
I hear in New York City that people are hearing ambulances consistently outside their home windows; however it seems the social distancing, putting on masks, and washing hands as well as other techniques are helping to slow down the spread. It is better to be hopeful. I am staying healthy, and as for where I live in Los Angeles, it feels like we are waiting and preparing for a fresh bright world to come. It has been continuing to rain here, but I have been walking and running in my neighborhood every day. I damaged my wrist from working on one arm pull ups about five months ago, and for me this healing process has become a guide to realize that healing time could take a while especially at a larger scale of things. Some say some times, things need to get broken to be realize of the preciousness. I can be patient, and although I am continuing to practice my music and guitar daily, I can comfortably say, my wrist is getting better. I hope it heals completely and becomes better, I want to believe that it is possible.
Where are we going? It might be too soon to tell at this point. Nevertheless I am making plans based on actual things I can do for the next three months; hoping that ultimately by that time we would have already arrived at a better place for us where we could travel safely.
It feels like we are having a chance to view different countries and cultures all at the same time. We can learn from each other and discover. I think this is a precious time for our own selves. I was chatting about this with a neighbor; and then I told him that I still find myself with lazy moments. In a quick friendly reply he simply said that is a good thing. We both smiled. It is indeed a time for the very things that matter right now.
This morning I heard from a friend in the Pacific Northwest, "Keep clean, keep safe. I've been going out in nature but staying well away from others. I'm hoping for the best for you and everyone you care about, also the world. Let's get through this and come out better."
Please stay well.
photos by Joe Guadagnoli